Here you can keep up to date with all that’s happening at the Hebrew University.
As a computational biologist, Dr. Moran Yassour spends the majority of her time in the lab studying the infant gut microbiome and the impact it has on a newborn's health. But at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and as the virus quickly spread, the need to test large groups of individuals became a necessity. Rising to the challenge were Dr. Yassour, a team of experts from the Hebrew University's Faculty of Medicine as well as the Hadassah Medical Center, who utilized their individual areas of expertise to combat the spread. On this episode of HUJI Bites, Dr. Yassour takes us into her lab and talks to us about the importance of this collaboration and coming up with a solution that saves time, cost and most importantly saves lives.
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In partnership with the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, this webinar featured Hebrew University Prof. Hermona Soreq and Dr. Shir Atzil.
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What are the risks of the vaccination? How does it work to fight Covid-19? Why with the vaccine, is there still ongoing Covid-19 research? In this webinar Hebrew University Professors Amos Panet, Hermona Soreq and Dana Wolf leverage their knowledge in biotechnology, virology, RNA research and clinical expertise to explain the implications of the vaccine on the pandemic, how it works, and why research is still crucial. This webinar was moderatated by Hebrew University Vice President and Director General Yishai Fraenkel.
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Prof. Hagai Levine is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine of the Hebrew University-Hadassah in Jerusalem and the Chairman of the Israeli Association of Public Health Physicians. His research focuses on translating scientific knowledge into health policy, in several areas such as environmental health, tobacco control and control of communicable diseases. Prof. Levine combines in his academic career the vast experience as leading public health professional at the Israeli Defense Forces and Ministry of Health, and continue to advocate for public health as a member of national and international committees, including the Israeli National Expert Panel for COVID-19 response. He is specifically interested in promoting scientific-based preparedness and response to global and local threats to public health, such as climate change, pandemics and chemical toxification.
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A conversation between Prof. Eva Illouz and Prof. Moshe Sluchovsky Prof. Eva Illouz is a renowned sociologist. Her research focuses on the sociology of capitalism, the sociology of emotions, the sociology of gender and the sociology of culture. Her work explores several significant and thought-provoking themes, such as the influence of capitalism on emotions, the commodification of romance and the meaning of freedom, choice, and individualism in the modern world. Prof. Moshe Sluhovsky is the Paulette and Claude Kelman Professor of the History of French Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and past head of the Lafer Center for the Study of Women and Gender and of the Institute of History. He is currently studying the Jewish presence in Gay Berlin during the Weimar period and on the migration of gay and lesbian German Jews to Palestine in the 1930s.
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In this Hebrew University webinar, Prof. Yaakov (Koby) Nahmias discusses how a simple drug, that has been on the market for decades could be used to treat COVID-19. A research team led by Prof.Nahmias says that early research looks promising. The team has looked at how COVID-19 changes patients’ lungs in order to reproduce itself. Their major finding? This virus prevents the routine burning of carbohydrates. As a result, large amounts of fat accumulate inside lung cells, a condition the virus needs in order to reproduce. This new understanding may help explain why patients with high blood sugar and cholesterol levels are often at a particularly high risk to develop COVID-19.
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Learn about Tikkun Olam – Social Responsibility and Legal Aid with Hebrew University's Clinical Legal Education Center, featuring: Prof. Daphna Lewinsohn-Zamir, Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof. Guy Davidov, CLEC Academic Director Adv. Vardit Dameri Madar, CLEC Executive Director Adv. Ohad Amar, Clinical Attorneys at the Representations of Marginalized Populations Clinic Ariel Elkayam, Student, Rights of Youth at Risk Clinic
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Learn about Covid-19: Entrepreneuring the Morning After, Featuring Dr. Amnon Dekel & Ayelet Cohen from HUJI Innovate.
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Learn about preliminary findings relating to research of parents of children with and without disabilities in Corona times by Dr. Shirli Werner. Dr. Werner is an associate professor at The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University.
Learn about the importance of focusing on the vulnerable in the days after the COVID-19 lock down with Prof. Shai Shalev-Shwartz. Prof. Shalev-Shwartz is a senior researcher at the Hebrew University’s Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering as well as CTO of Mobileye. A prominent figure in autonomous driving technology, he has advanced research on machine learning, online prediction and practical algorithms, and has authored two leading books on machine learning.
In this webinar you will learn about the financial implications of the coronavirus pandemic. Featuring Professor Dan Galai, from Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Jerusalem School of Business Administration. Prof. Galai’s research focuses on the Israeli financial market, banking, and corporate finance.
In this webinar you will learn about the coronavirus and the future of immunotherapy. Featuring Prof. Shy Arkin, Arthur Lejwa Prof. of Structural Biochemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Arkin’s research has succeeded in shedding new light on the inner workings of flu viruses and in particular how a virus avoids anti-viral therapy.
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In this webinar, you will learn how not to panic, and how to deal with anxiety in the age of Corona. Featuring Prof. Jonathan Huppert, Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Huppert’s work is aimed at developing the optimal psychosocial treatments for anxiety and related disorders.
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In this webinar, learn about the real risk of the spread of the coronavirus (in French). Featuring Prof. Herve (Hillel) Bercovier Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Bercovier’s work is aimed at trying to understand infectious diseases and prevention.
וירוס הקורונה מכה במדינות ויחידים וישליך בקרוב על שלל היבטים חברתיים. מה יש למדעי החברה להציע בהתבוננות על התופעות הללו? כיצד היו מסבירים תיאורטיקנים חשובים בסוציולוגיה את המגיפה והשלכותיה? אירווינג גופמן, נורברט אליאס, תומאס, באומן ואחרים יכולים לתת לנו שפה לחשיבה - כלים לניתוח ולהבנה של המגיפה של נגיף הקורונה. אתם מוזמנים להציע מחשבות, תיאוריות והסברים נוספים! #הקורונה #נגיף הקורונה #וירוס הקורונה לרכישת הספר המוח הסורר: לשיחות קודמות: הקורונה כקונספירציה הקורונה והפיזיקאים הקורונה ואי-ציות על הקורונה ואנחנו מי ייתן הדין? הקורונה ורשתות חברתיות הבידוד כהזדמנות לשינוי הקורונה והחוסן הלאומי הקורונה והרבנים הקורונה, פרויד ושיח האשליות החרדי קישורים לשיחות על המוח הסורר: המוח הסימטרי המוח החצוף המוח המאוהב: על מדענים מאוהבים ואהבת המדע בישראל מדע ומגדר בישראל המוח המייבב מוח קטן וחכם המוח הריגשי: על מקומם של רגשות במדע הישראלי המוח החדשן: על ערך החדשנות במדע הישראלי כסף במדע הישראלי? על רעב תקציבי בישראל בין קלות המחשבה לקלות הדעת במדע הישראלי דן שכטמן ומפלצות של אחרים: על אומץ במדע הישראלי🔭 מוח חסר גבולות: על האמונה שאין דבר העומד בפני הרצון במדע הישראלי מוח שלא רואה ממטר: על חוסר גבולות בחשיבה המדעית הישראלית האם יש אופי ישראלי? שיחה קצת רצינית על תיאוריה ואופי לאומי😡😡
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The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Israeli Economy, Featuring Prof. Karnit Flug. Prof. Flug is from Hebrew University's Bogen Family Department of Economics. She is the former Governor of the Bank of Israel and a senior lecturer in Economics at the Hebrew University.
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Find out how 3rd year Hebrew University medical school student Ruth is giving back to the Jerusalem community during the coronavirus crisis.
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Hebrew University Prof. Amos Panet discusses how easy it will be to develop drugs and vaccines for COVID-19. Prof Panet is from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Professor Panet’s research focuses on virus replication and the ability to design and engineer viruses
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Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Chezy Barenholz discusses the current approaches for the treatment to prevent COVID-19. Prof. Barenholz is in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Hebrew University. He is the developer of DOXIL a medicine approved for human use in the USA in 1996 and in Europe in 1997. It is extensively used to treat ovarian cancer and breast cancer.
In this behind the scenes tour, meet the Hebrew University students and researchers spearheading efforts against COVID-19. They are volunteering their time, expertise, and lab equipment to help process Corona tests. Edited by Tiferet Sigala
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Professor Katrina Ligett explains COVID-19 Math: Why Social Distancing Matters, and why it's not a Quick Fix. Prof. Ligett is from the Department of Computer Science, Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on algorithmic game theory and privacy.
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Learn about Nutrition, Food Security, and the Coronavirus, featuring Prof. Aron Troen from The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prof. Troen’s research focuses on Nutritional Neuroscience, the prevention of cerebrovascular disease and dementia. Prof. Troen was a member of the National Council on Food Security Research Committee, and is currently working in collaboration with Leket Israel to investigate the role of food banks in alleviating food insecurity and its deleterious consequences for human development, health and wellbeing.
Learn about the Legal and Constitutional Issues Relating to the Use of Digital Surveillance in Israel to Combat COVID-19, featuring Prof. Yuval Shany. Prof. Shany holds the Hersch Lauterpacht Chair in Public International Law at Hebrew University. He is an expert on humanitarian law and human rights. In 2018, Prof. Shany was elected Chair of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, and is deputy president of the Israel Democracy Institute.
Dr. Habib is an Assistant Professor at the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences at the Hebrew University and the Goren-Kasam Lecturer in Brain Sciences. Dr. Habib studies ageing related pathologies in the brain, combining the fields of neuroscience, computational biology, genomics and molecular biology.
Learn about Simulating and Monitoring COVID-19: Physics, Medicine and Epidemiology Working Together with Hebrew University professors Nadav Katz and Ronit Calderon-Margalit. Prof. Katz is the Director of Hebrew University’s Quantum Information Science Center at The Racah Institute of Physics. Prof. Calderon-Margalit is a public health physician and lecturer in the Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine at the Hebrew University. Prof. Katz and Prof. Calderon-Margalit are advisers of the National Security Council for Monitoring COVID-19.
Learn about how to go from anxiety to resilience, featuring Prof. Yoram Yovell. Prof. Yovell is an Associate Professor at the Division of Clinical Neuroscience at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center. Prof. Yovell shares insights from his experience as a researcher, public speaker, and clinician to shed light on how to cope with anxiety in the Corona period. He is the author of two bestselling books and was the host of an award-winning prime-time program for 10 years.
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Featuring Prof. Shlomo Hassan, The Shasha Center for Strategic Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Learn about developing new diagnostic tests for COVID19: technological innovation in times of crisis with Hebrew University's Dr. Naomi Habib. Dr. Habib is an Assistant Professor at the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences at the Hebrew University and the Goren-Kasam Lecturer in Brain Sciences. Dr. Habib studies ageing related pathologies in the brain, combining the fields of neuroscience, computational biology, genomics and molecular biology.
Learn about Smell and Taste Changes in COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Diseases - Research in the Age of Social Media with Professor Masha Niv. Prof. Niv is the Vice Dean for Research and Development at the Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, at the Hebrew University’s Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Rehovot. Her researches focus on rational modulation of biological function and in facilitating innovative design of tastants, taste modulators and drugs.
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